Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Today's Thankful comment #18

Today Annika had her Preschool Fall Feast.  It was really cute.  All of the kids were dressed up and sang several Thanksgiving songs.  Each child wore their homemade Indian vests (made out of paper bags), and headbands with colored feathers on them.  It was also quite a sight to see all the parents and their cameras and video cameras.  I think there were more cameras than kids!
Annika did a fantastic job singing all of the songs.  If you know Annika, she is a very serious girl so the whole time she was concentrating on the teacher, but she did glance over a couple of times to give us a smile or wave.  I love watching little kids perform on a stage because they are so entertaining.  You always get at least one kid to do something not part of the program. One little boy wouldn't sing with the rest of the group, but when the song was over, he sang the whole song solo, with hand motions.  He got the biggest applause, which was nice because his mom was in tears ... a very proud moment for her.
Andy took time off of work to be at the program, and Annika seemed quite pleased to have both her mom and dad all to herself for an hour!  After the singing program, we sat down on tiny little chairs to eat a potluck breakfast together with all the kids and parents.  Besides the normal breakfast food, someone brought very tasty pumpkin pancakes, which was a lucky break since we're on a quest to find a great pumpkin pancake recipe.  All the recipes we've tried so far have been blah.
So, the three of us are thankful for the good time we had at the Fall Feast.  Unfortunately Gavin was not included (siblings were not invited, so parents could focus on the preschool kids).  But Gavin wasn't complaining- he stayed with a friend who has 2 little dachsunds (you know, the wiener dogs), who barked and jumped up and down for him.  We heard they kept the little guy laughing and highly entertained nearly the whole time.  The report was that he was cute and fun for our friend to watch.  We say thank goodness for close friends who are willing to babysit a kid from time to time, and thank goodness Gavin is easy to babysit!  The rest of the day, Marylyn would mention the word "Dog" and bark for Gavin.  He would give a big smile and chuckle.  Even when crying or whining, mommy barking would instantly make him stop and smile.  How long will this trick last?

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! Hope you bring the video and maybe we can even find a video with Marylyn singing when she was in elementary school choir.
