Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thankful #8

Andy says he is "thankful for sunshine today. And for all the leaves I got to rake today. It's actually kind of therapeutic!" Hmmm... I wonder if I can convince him that vacuuming and cleaning bathrooms is therapeutic too.

Annika is thankful for Christmas decorations. Decorations are all over the stores and we have to go down the isles real slowly for her to see everything. And, if she is really good by the end of the shopping, I do another loop. It worked at Home Depot today and it always works at Costco. She is so anxious for Christmas and for Andy to put up the house lights.

Gavin is thankful for learning how to use his fingers to pick up food and bring to his mouth. Also for socks. This kid loves to pull and pull, and chew on his socks. Within 5 minutes of me putting the socks on his feet, they are soaked and one is pulled off.

As for me, I am grateful for leftovers. I love leftovers because it means just reheat and serve-- no cooking and no big mess. When I make large portions, I stick half of it in the freezer for another day. Tonight was leftover lasagna. The thing about leftovers in my house is that I forget about them and then open my freezer and see a wonderful surprise. Tomorrow I plan to make a big pot of ham/bean soup -- more leftovers. Hooray!


  1. cute background how do you get that to work? I can't figure it out.

  2. While writing my novel, I'd cook for six about every three days, and the leftovers kept John from starving. I lost fourteen pounds, lost in the story.
