Wednesday, April 15, 2009

On the Farm

Andy's parents have these friends who allowed us to tour their farm like some crazy picture-taking tourists.  I couldn't resist taking pictures of the kids with the cute animals.  Of course Annika and Gavin loved every minute of it -- they got to feed a calf, pet the baby goats, feed the horse, hold the baby rabbit, laugh at the Emu who thought he was a goose (hanging out too long together I guess), etc.  It was a great morning at the farm.  Hey, we even got to take some eggs home that Annika helped gather.  We boiled them and painted them for Easter.  They made wonderful egg salad sandwiches.  Yum!


  1. I still remember my first trip to a farm. That's a day the kids will probably remember forever.

  2. That is soooo neat! Something they will always remember. I do enjoy the country life more than the city life. What fun!!
