Sunday, April 26, 2009

Love Tulips in the Spring!

We went to the tulip festival this weekend in Northern Washington.  We knew Annika would LOVE it, and that she did, especially the rows and rows of pink ones.  Gavin loved eating the dirt and trying to grab the petals off the flowers.  The views were breathtaking!  The pictures don't do the scenery justice, especially the red tulips.  They were so vibrant.  It was a great afternoon to spend as a family.   
While there, we thought of my sister, Ruth, and Ben living in Holland right now.  I am envious that they can buy 50 tulips for less than $8.  I bought 6 tulips for $4.50 at the festival.  No fair!  Ruth, is there a way you can ship me some?  Oh, and Andy would like some syrup waffle cakes.  In exchange I can ship you some chocolate chips and licorice.  ha ha  


  1. Beautiful flowers! Thank you for sharing.

  2. You sure you aren't here in Holland? The weather here reminds me much of WA. Sunny and beautiful and then a few showers so that you don't have to water. It is very green and beautiful here. We will bring to the states and then send Andy a special birthday surprise....anything else he likes?

  3. Tulips are my absolute favorite flower! I wish they had something like that over here... looks like it was beautiful!

  4. Reminds me of the pictures I have of Madison at three in those tulip fields (is it the same place?). She still remembers it, too!

  5. AFTER VISITING HOLLAND, dad and I agree that WA is much like Holland: weather, temperature, flowers, scenery. Absolutely beautiful each season of the year.
