This picture is more for my Mom and sisters -- 18 weeks and I am already wondering if it can be over soon. However, reality immediately kicks in and I become grateful for another 22 weeks. More time between the two babies. We find out if it's a boy or girl on the 15th of May! Any guesses?
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Love Tulips in the Spring!
We went to the tulip festival this weekend in Northern Washington. We knew Annika would LOVE it, and that she did, especially the rows and rows of pink ones. Gavin loved eating the dirt and trying to grab the petals off the flowers. The views were breathtaking! The pictures don't do the scenery justice, especially the red tulips. They were so vibrant. It was a great afternoon to spend as a family.
While there, we thought of my sister, Ruth, and Ben living in Holland right now. I am envious that they can buy 50 tulips for less than $8. I bought 6 tulips for $4.50 at the festival. No fair! Ruth, is there a way you can ship me some? Oh, and Andy would like some syrup waffle cakes. In exchange I can ship you some chocolate chips and licorice. ha ha
Gavin's First Birthday
We celebrated Gavin's First Birthday last Saturday. I can't believe a year has already past. Gavin is such an essential part of our family. We are so blessed to have him. If you know Gavin you would know he is the essence of pure joy. He always has a smile on his face and is so easy-going. You can't stop kissing those cheeks of his and making him laugh with tickles. Gavin's favorite things to do are eating and playing with cars. I think his favorite person is "Na-Na" (Annika). Annika is proud to be called "Big Sister" (I think she prefers that name over her own name).
Erik, Nekell, Analiese, Peter, and Grandparent Bjorns came to help us celebrate his birthday on Saturday. I had to laugh at Gavin eating his cupcake. Generally a 1-year old touches it and picks at the frosting, and then dives-in. This kid immediately grabbed it and shoved the bottom end in his mouth. The cake was gone within just a few minutes. After the festivities, Gavin gave Andy a little gift to say thanks. He had been sick all week and the carrot cupcake just didn't settle well with him. Poor little guy. Don't worry, Andy wasn't alone. Aunt Nekell and I got to enjoy the clean-up. What a way to end the night!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
This actually brought tears to my eyes (I blame pregnancy). What a remarkable video. You've got to watch if you haven't already. This just goes to show you that we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.
On the Farm
Andy's parents have these friends who allowed us to tour their farm like some crazy picture-taking tourists. I couldn't resist taking pictures of the kids with the cute animals. Of course Annika and Gavin loved every minute of it -- they got to feed a calf, pet the baby goats, feed the horse, hold the baby rabbit, laugh at the Emu who thought he was a goose (hanging out too long together I guess), etc. It was a great morning at the farm. Hey, we even got to take some eggs home that Annika helped gather. We boiled them and painted them for Easter. They made wonderful egg salad sandwiches. Yum!

Gavin's Haircut
Gavin's hair reminded Andy of the Dad on "Everybody Loves Raymond". No, it's not the little hair that they both have, it's the hair on the sides that goes over the ears. Okay, it bugged me too. So, Gavin got his first cut on the sides. Take a look ...

Bike Ride
While in Texas visiting Andy's parents, Annika rode her first bike on training wheels. We rode bikes practically every day. She loved it. Grandpa was amazed with how tough she was. The first day she had a few good falls and scraped knees. Annika didn't care. She got back up with a smile on her face ready to try again. She's a tough cookie.
As for Gavin, we put a seat on the back of a larger bike. He enjoyed the scenery and going fast. I didn't really appreciate the kicks in the bahootie though. There should be straps for the feet.
So as you may have figured, I have been searching craigslist for a child carrier and a child's bike. No luck yet.
Bucket on the head
As my family knows, I always had a bucket on my head when I was a kid. I loved to run into walls and fall to make people laugh. I think it was an attention thing being that I was the 6th kid. ha ha Well, I took pictures of Gavin doing the same thing. He was so cute and he thought he was so funny playing peek-a-boo. So, in honor of a very famous tradition, here are some pictures (mainly for my parents).

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Hook, Line, and Sinker
Gotcha!!! April Fools!! I hate to tell you this since 95% of you believed me. The twins blog post was a joke, and I must say a pretty good one. I even got Andy! All he could say was, "WHAT?! .... NO!.... WHAT?! ... NO! .... WHAT?! .... NO! (about 8 times)." The only ones who didn't believe me were my Mom and sister. I thought for sure my mom would believe it, but she knew better. Just like my sister said, I would have called and the email would have been more hysterical. ha ha I have to thank everyone though for the congratulations via blog, email, and phone calls. I am so loved! My mother-in-law's response was priceless and I hated to tell her I was joking because of her excitement. Pure Joy! However, I am relieved to tell everyone it is just one baby. I do have proof of that, unless my picture was an April Fools joke.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Playdate on the computer
Seattle Aquarium
Yesterday we went to the Seattle Aquarium. The three of us got in for $1 (my friend finds the best deals :-)). We had a great time spending the afternoon there. Annika's favorites were the jelly fish and otters. Gavin's favorite were the people (in a stroller that's all you really get to see. The poor kid). My favorite part was touching the starfish and seeing the otters.
I know I couldn't have done the aquarium without my friend, Tana. One would watch the babies in the strollers and the other would follow the 3 year olds. Or, one of us would be blocking one exit and the other at the opposite end. Surviving the crowds was all about teamwork.
It's a surprise to us ...
Today I had another doctor's appointment and there is a reason why I have been more sick with this pregnancy. I had an ultrasound done and it's not one, but two. Twins! Of course I was shocked, then excited. And now that I have had more time for it to sink in, very, very nervous. Gavin will only be 17 months when the babies are born (if they don't come early). Here is the ultrasound to show the proof. So, what's your bet: 2 boys, 2 girls, or one of each? Let me know what you think and give me a little positive reinforcement. I need to know I can do this.

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