Sunday, March 29, 2009

Girl Bonding

Yesterday I went to a friend's mini boutique.  She had pampered chef, scentsy, cookie lee, mary kay, etc.  I confess, I went a little crazy with purchases.  It was so much fun!  I was going to have Annika come with me, but she ended up falling asleep on the couch.  When I returned with my purchases, she was still asleep.  I showed Andy what I got and had the typical guy response, "Nice."  It was a completely different story when Annika woke up.  She was anxious to see everything.  The first thing I showed her was the jewelery.  "OH, MOM!!  I LOVE THE SHELL NECKLACE!  IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL! .... CAN I TRY IT ON?  WHAT ELSE DID YOU GET?  ... OH, I LOVE IT!!  LET ME SEE .... "  We had our first official girl moment enjoying the purchases and talking about how great they look on each other.  Andy of course just laughed at us, but I think he loved hearing his little girl doing girly things.  It made me excited when she is older and shopping together for Prom, or whatever the occasion might be.  And that is saying something knowing we both HATE shopping.


  1. I can't resist Pampered Chef, so I just try to stay away from their parties...

  2. How sweet. I love those special moments.
