Sunday, March 15, 2009

What did you learn in Church today?

Me:  "Annika, what did you learn in Sunbeams (sunday school class) today?"

Annika:  "Did you know that God gave us panties?"

Me:  "Oh!  And why do you think that?"

Annika:  "Because I am a big girl.  And that's what I wear."

Interesting statement.  A little curious why she would say that.  I was then relieved to see her craft she made in Sunbeams.  It was a cute flower with her picture in the center and the top said, "I am thankful for beautiful flowers."  My guess is that Annika innocently mistook "panties" for "pansies".  Yes, Annika, "God did give us pansies."


  1. I had to laugh when I read this because you know that primary song that says, "little purple pansies trimmed with yellow gold?" Well, I used to sing panties instead of pansies. My family still teases me to this day. Glad to know I'm not the only one:)
