Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fw: Greetings from Leavenworth

Brrrr! Its chilly! But we are having fun anyway between the gingerbread, chocolate, nutcrackers, and bratwursts!


  1. Been in the 70-80's here but nights are chilly. Hope it continues some for you guys, although we do need rain badly.
    I love Gavin's 'tooth brush' video. You are blessed with two adorable children. And thank you for the cute Annika picture we got yesterday in the mail. Can't wait for Christmas!!!!

  2. your kids are so cute and growing TOO fast! CAn't wait to see them in a few weeks (if you guys around!)

  3. It looks cold! Hopefully we will have some warm weather for you. It has been very windy and cold here.
