Sunday, May 16, 2010

The picture taking process

Hooray! We finally got a family picture taken. It only took us 4 1/2 years to do. The last time was when Annika was a few months old. Of course no family photo session goes completely perfect. If it does for you, tell me your secrets. Annika did a great job the whole time. Gavin did great the first 20 minutes, but there are only so many times the photographer can fool him with Elmo blowing off the head and sounds being made when shoes are squeezed. After the 20 minutes, Gavin became restless and I was the lucky one to try and pin him down. But what does the photographer expect with all the fun props staring him in the face -- bikes, benches, toys, etc. They all were calling his name. And Ava, well, she just wouldn't smile for anyone. If you know her, you would be shocked because she is always full of smiles. But for the entire hour she wouldn't pull a smile. Not for me, Andy, photographer, grandparents ... no one. Some of the shots she had looks like, "What am I doing here?" and "Can we just go now"? Out of the 15 or so "best" shots, this was the final choice. This was near the end so Gavin was squirming, but he did smile. And Ava had just eaten so she has a slightly nicer look (she is adorable though even without the smile). It's done! And hopefully we can get another one before 4 years pass.

The picture below was taken in April for his 2 year shot. He was an angel! Cooperated and smiled the whole session. He is such a cute little man. We celebrated by getting a chocolate chip cookie afterward. Hmmm ... maybe that's where I went wrong for the family picture. I should have offered a bribe.