Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ava Update

Ava turned 6 months on Sunday. I can't believe that much time has passed. It's been so long since I have had a good night sleep. {sigh} Ava is a sweetheart and an easy baby, except during the night. Sleep is her downfall. You would think by the third kid I would know what to do. Ava rolls around, sits up for 5-10 seconds, is saying "bababa" along with her other coos, and loves all solid foods so far. She is the smallest of the three at this age, which is a shocker. She eats more than the others did. Her hair is getting lighter, but has red highlights. No teeth yet. Ava has the biggest blue eyes and smile. Kids just swarm to her because she smiles so much at them. Ava has the daintiest, long fingers. I love watching her grab and play with toys. She loves to grab her feet and suck on her sleeves, or hand. Like all babies, her favorite toys are those that light up and make music. She especially loves to sit in her exersaucer. The poor girl has her first ear infection right now and second cold. Today is a better day for her. We love, love having Ava in our family. Can't imagine life without her. She's our sweet pea.


  1. Oh come on Marylyn...what do you do all day? hahahahaha one busy mama

  2. She does have some killer blue eyes. She is adorable.

  3. When did she get sooooo grown up?! Have we been gone that long? I can't believe it. Catherine
