Friday, May 15, 2009

3 vs. 2 in the family

The girls will outnumber the boys in our family.  Yes, we are having a girl!  There is no denying it after the ultrasound I had today.  Annika and I were right and as Annika said, "Daddy changed his mind after seeing her." ; )  This means I won the bet!  I get to sleep in both Saturday and Sunday AND have a massage!!  We added the massage while waiting in the doctor's office.  I mentioned an additional foot massage for a week, but Andy's response was, "Don't push it."  I stopped there.  I am very happy with a massage.   I just hope I can sleep in.  I may just leave a book by the bed and relax a couple hours when I wake up. 
The ultrasound was amazing.  I love technology.  Annika was just as fascinated as Andy and I seeing the face, heart, legs, feet, hands, etc.  Everything looked great and we couldn't be happier to have another princess in the family.  


  1. We are thrilled for you. Go Girls! (and guys)either way, we were rooting for happy and healthy!

  2. We are all so JEALOUS!!!! We are ready for pink, pink and more pink!

  3. We are also very excited to have another princess. That makes 9 boys to l7 girls...and 17 is my lucky number. We're so happy for you guys!!!

  4. Wow the girls are so far ahead there is no catching up now. Go Girls! 17-9 We are so excited for your family.

  5. Girls dominate! Woo Hoo! (except we'll all be crying when they hit the teenage years!)
