Sunday, January 4, 2009


Annika's Christmas surprise was going to Disneyland for 2 days, and having lunch with the Princesses (see other post).  We had a great time and the kids did very well.  We enjoyed everything Disneyland had to offer ... well, not everything.  We could have enjoyed it more with less crowds and long lines.  There was one ride Annika wanted to do and ended up falling asleep while in line.  I tried waking her up and she wouldn't budge.  I ended up putting her on the ride thinking she would wake up, but she was out.  After the ride, I set her back in the stroller.  She woke up screaming, "I WANT TO GO ON THE RIDE!!!!"  She didn't even realize she went on it.  So, back to the line we went.  Luckily there was no wait.  She made sure she kept her eyes open this time as we rocketed around on the Golden Zephyr.

This is one of the few rides Gavin went on.  He was usually asleep or not big enough for the rides.  Who knows what he thought of all the noise, crowds, and chaos.  He is a good sport to be pushed and carried everywhere and not able to just play and crawl on the floor for two days.
Even Daddy wanted his picture taken with Princesses.  I think he enjoyed meeting all of them just as much as Annika did.  

I love these last two pictures.  Disneyland is definitely a place where dreams come true.  Annika was loving every minute.  In fact, after church today she cried herself to sleep because she wanted to go back to Disneyland.  Today at church she went to Sunday School for the first time instead of nursery.  We kept telling her she is a big girl now.  So, because we told her this, she insisted on going to Disneyland and riding on the "swings in the big orange bowl".  It was hard for her to understand she isn't "that big" yet.  I felt so bad.  Wait 'til next year, babe.


  1. How fun! I keep trying to convince myself and Bryon that we need to head down to Disneyworld for a family vacation. I think the kids would love it. Those last two pictures are seriously darling.

  2. Hi Marylyn,
    Looks like you had a lot of fun.
    Annika is so cute!
    Take care,
