Thursday, February 19, 2009

Surprise!! It's a Girl .... or a Boy?!

We are thrilled to announce that I am expecting our third child.  I am 8 weeks along and the baby is due September 28th.  This was quite a wonderful surprise for us since our last two children were in vitro.  What a blessing they are and what a blessing this baby is too.  
We had the ultrasound a couple days ago.  The heartbeat is strong and the cutest little bean ever.  
Yes, I feel pretty overwhelmed with the news because Gavin is only 10 months right now.  But, family and friends who have children close in age tell me that I will be fine.  I sure hope so.  Annika was actually disappointed when I came home from the doctors and  didn't have the baby in my arms.  "Didn't the baby come out?" she asked.  Very cute!  Thankfully not yet!  I need more time ... and more sleep!


  1. Yay! Congratulations! That's great awesome!

  2. Congratulations!! That's wonderful news!

  3. Wow! What wonderful news. We are excited for you too. Gil and Kathy

  4. That's awesome! Congrats, we're super excited for you!

  5. Wow! I'm so excited for you! What a wonderful surprise. Linda's going to laugh when she hears this news. Claire was the same kind of pleasant surprise.

  6. What wonderful news. I imagine you will end up feeling just like Annika does now.

  7. Congratulations! You will be fine with the closeness in age. You just do it!

  8. Number 26 on the way....we are way excited!!!! for you two, for Annika, for Gaven and especially for the little one being blessed to come to such an awesome family.

  9. WOW--we are so happy for you!!! I hope you are feeling okay-- the babies will be best friends. What a wonderful blessing, congratulations!! People used to say that three is the hardest- I don't remember that it was --as Amy just smothered I mean mothered Tom every minute!

    So are you due in September?

  10. Okay, I read your announcement again--September 28th. Eric was born in September and it was great for him as he was one of the oldest in his school class, first to date/drive etc. I think it would be fun for you to have another boy so it would be like Tom and Eric. Or if you had a girl it would be like Jeremy and Amy

  11. We are so excited for you guys. take it easy and congrats!!

  12. Congrats! congrats! congrats!!! What a fun surprise regardless of how overwhelmed you may feel. I freaked out when I found out about our surprise when the twins were only 18 months. You can do it!

  13. Congrats!!!!! We are so incredibly happy for you.

  14. Congratulations! We are so excited for you guys! It sounds like yours will be exactly like my last two. Bree was born in April and then Ellie 17 months later in September.

  15. Hi Marylyn,
    Congrats to you and your beautiful family!!
    What a blessing!
    Love, Khara
